TekNational, Inc.
Tek-Sil K-275®
K-275®  solves many problems encountered in surface mounting applications.

With K-275®  you can attach heat sinks without any external hardware.  Suggested uses are for ceramic hybrid and flat packages.


The base material for K-275®  is a thermally conductive polyamide which is noted for its high (6.0KV) dielectric strength and excellent thermal impedance.  K-275®  is coated with a liberal application of thermoset acrylic PSA adhesive (.002" thick on both sides).  The uncured PSA adheres sufficiently for assembly operations.  In its soft, uncured state, the extra thickness of PSA conforms to mating surfaces - improving thermal conductivity.


Ordinary exposure to wave solder will thermoset the PSA, with adhesion improving to 60oz/in².  In the absence of wave soldering, the PSA may be cured for 5 seconds at 250°C.  Thermosetting also improves resistance to solvents.  The PSA used is thermally conductive.  Its thermal interface penalty is less than for most adhesives offered with this type of product.

K-275® SK-04
Material Compostion
Kapton® MT - thickness.001(.025mm).001(.025mm)
Silicone (one side) - thicknessNA.002(.058mm)
Acrylic PSA - thickness.002(.058mm).015(3.81mm)
Thermal Conductivity
Dielectric Strength
Adhesion to Steel (oz/inch)
before Thermoset308
After thermoset6025
Temperature Range
°F-20 to +300-20 to +300
°C-20 to +149-29 to +149
Maximum Roll Width16"(406.4mm)16"(406.4mm)